Technical-technology aspect and financial analysis of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L) flour processing agroindustry in Lampung province

Neti Yuliana *, Bukhori Thomas Edvan, Tanto Pratando Utomo and Haidawati

Agricultural Industrial Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung, Sumantri Brojonegoro #1 Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2024, 11(01), 052–058.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjst.2024.11.1.0064
Publication history: 
Received on 15 March 2024; revised on 28 April 2024; accepted on 01 May 2024
Lampung Province is one of the Sumatra archipelago's fifth sweet potato-producing provinces. To provide added value and encourage the growth of agro-industry in Lampung Province, the development of sweet potato flour processing is needed. This study aims to determine the business feasibility of sweet potato flour in Lampung Province from raw materials, technical technology, and financial aspects. The research involved agencies and related institutions in Lampung Province and Lampung Tengah Regency. The research method used was a survey and interview method. The data obtained were analyzed in stages using the Exponential Comparison Method (ECM) and business feasibility analysis. The finding showed that the SP flour agro-industry is feasible to be established with a capacity of 4 tons of fresh SP as raw material in Way Pengubuan, Lampung Tengah District, Lampung Province. The project needs an initial investment capital of 3.36 billion and an annual operational capital of 14.44 billion. The project is projected to yield an NPV value of IDR. 1,320,768,285 over a 10-year business projection period, with an IRR of 21%, Net B/C of 1.11, and a PBP of 4 years and 17 days.


Agroindustry; Sweet potato flour; Strategic location; Value-added; Development strategy​
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