Short study of using ACE-V and GYRO for fingerprint examination and individualization

Matej Trapečar 1, *, Patricija Jankovič 2 and Sašo Murtič 3

1 Fingerprint Department, National Forensic Laboratory, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2 Academy for Logistics and Management, Arema, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia.
3 Department of General Courses and Economic Bussiness Studies, Faculty for Industrial Engineering, Novo mesto, Slovenia.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2022, 05(02), 053–059.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjst.2022.5.2.0060
Publication history: 
Received on 10 July 2022; revised on 14 August 2022; accepted on 16 August 2022
The paper presents a short study of fingerprint identification based on ACE-V method and use of GYRO system. In the field of criminalistics and forensics, fingerprint identification was in the past mainly carried out on a numerical standard. With the numerical standard an identification was possible given the finger mark and fingerprint had at least eight consistent morphological characteristics. Due to the need for a scientific approach to identification, the ACE-V method may be used.
Donors intentionally placed fingerprints on glass surfaces and finger marks were recovered with fingerprint powder. Marks were examined in the AFIS system, followed by individualisation procedure using the ACE-V method and GYRO system.
The study established and confirmed that fingerprint identification, using ACE-V method, has elements of more modern and scientific approach. The numerical standard for identification or individualization procedure for Slovenian fingerprint examiners shall be complemented by ACE-V procedure in GYRO system. Their expert opinions will be more detailed, extensive and with some scientific elements, which will be welcome to the courts.
Forensic; Fingerprint; Identification; ACE-V method
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