Promoting innovation in mental health treatment: Exploring intellectual property laws in innovative and affordable technologies
Washington University in St Louis, School of Law, Missouri, USA.
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2024, 10(01), 089–094.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjst.2024.10.1.0024
Publication history:
Received on 17 December 2023; revised on January 2024; accepted on 29 January 2024
The paper explored promoting innovation in mental health treatment through exploring intellectual property laws in innovative and affordable technologies. The current intellectual property landscape presents challenges that demand strategic adjustments to strike a balance between incentivizing innovation and ensuring widespread accessibility to groundbreaking mental health technologies. Proposed recommendations encompass among others; advocating for shorter and more flexible patent terms, introducing legislative clarity on patent infringement, and promoting collaboration through legal measures. Additionally, the recommendations prioritize incentivizing information sharing, discouraging knowledge fragmentation, and embedding provisions that prioritize the accessibility and affordability of mental health technologies. This comprehensive strategy aims to create a legal environment that not only safeguards intellectual property but also propels the mental health technology sector toward heightened innovation, collaboration, and accessibility. The urgency for these reforms is underscored by the identified challenges within the intellectual property framework, emphasizing the need for nuanced adjustments. Ultimately, the recommended reforms offer a holistic approach to foster an environment that protects intellectual property rights while advancing mental health innovation to benefit a diverse range of individuals and communities.
Mental Health; Innovation; Patent Law; Reform
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