Developing advanced financial models for evaluating large-scale renewable energy and infrastructure projects in developing economies

Olakojo Yusuff Ogunsola 1, Yetunde Adenike Adebayo 2, Ikiomoworio Nicholas Dienagha 3, Nwakamma Ninduwezuor-Ehiobu 4 and Zamathula Sikhakhane Nwokediegwu 5, *

1 Axxela Group, Lagos, Nigeria.
2 Independent Researcher, UK.
3 Shell Petroleum Development Company, Lagos Nigeria.        
4 Independent Researcher, Canada.
5 Independent Researcher, Durban, South Africa.
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2021, 01(02), 035-043.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjst.2021.1.2.0028
Publication history: 
Received on 12 March 2021; revised on 18 May 2021; accepted on 23 May 2021
Large-scale renewable energy and infrastructure projects hold significant potential for driving economic growth and sustainable development in developing economies. However, these projects face numerous challenges, including political instability, limited financial markets, and technical barriers. This paper explores the critical role of advanced financial modeling in addressing these challenges and enhancing project evaluation. It discusses theoretical foundations, innovative approaches, and strategies tailored to renewable energy-specific parameters, such as energy yield and carbon offset valuation. The study highlights the opportunities presented by international funding, public-private partnerships, and emerging financial technologies, emphasizing their potential to overcome barriers and optimize investment outcomes. Additionally, the paper provides actionable recommendations for policymakers, investors, and developers to foster a stable regulatory environment, leverage advanced modeling techniques, and align projects with global sustainability goals. By synthesizing current practices and future research directions, this paper underscores the importance of financial modeling as a transformative tool for sustainable development in resource-constrained regions.
Financial modelling; Renewable energy; Infrastructure projects; Developing economies; Public-private partnerships; Sustainable development
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