Budgetary parameters on health human resource among healthcare workers in Samburu County Referral Hospital, Kenya

Salim Matagi Omambia *

Kenya Medical Training College, Faculty of Information Technology and Medical Education, P.O. Box 30195-00100 Nairobi, Kenya.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2021, 01(01), 001–007.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjst.2021.1.1.0011
Publication history: 
Received on 08 December 2020; revised on 17 December 2020; accepted on 19 December 2020
Health should be the colossus of each country if not the world, since everything else from being human depends on the health status of that people. A healthy nation is a working nation and a working nation is a growing and developing nation. While the economy of majority of countries is growing the health budget of all if not majority of the countries is increasing at a very high rate While markets adapted quickly to growing demand, public policy to address market failures in health care and protect the most vulnerable has adjusted more slowly.The chief reason for carrying out this project was to determine the budgetary parameters on Health Human Resource among Healthcare Workers in Samburu County Referral Hospital, Kenya.The investigation was a cross-sectional study. A sample population of 106 participants was picked using Fishers et al method of 1998. Data collection was done using a survey with open and closed ended queries. A key informant interviews was held with the various top level management managers to gain deeper insights into the study. A strict inclusion criterion was followed to select the respondents from all trained health personnel in Samburu County Referral Hospital. Data was analysed using SPSS, presented in figures with various diagrams like charts and tables and interpreted using descriptive statistics. Majority of the healthcare workers agreed that they do not receive their salary on time with a statistically significant value p = 0.0001, indicating that the county has a challenge financial resources to pay its workers on time. With regards to remuneration among the healthcare workers a small number of about 4% with a p value of 0.002 strongly agreed with being comfortable, they seem to be satisfied with their kind of remunerations they receive. A health budget is a pivotal and consequential organizational document that guides and dictates major financial objectives and even a monitoring tool towards the agreed health policies, strategies and policies. The findings will enable the policy makers and other shareholders to review the health policies in order to address the budgetary parameters on Health Human Resource among Healthcare Workers.
Budget; County Executive Committee; Chief Officer of Health; PHC; UHC; SDGs.
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