Biofuel from biomass as an alternative energy source for sustainable development
1 Department of Chemistry, Government Shayam Sundar Agrawal PG College, Sicora, Jabalpur (M.P), India.
2 Department of Chemistry, Government College Bichhua, Chhindwara (M.P.), India.
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2022, 06(01), 071–074.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjst.2022.6.1.0023
Publication history:
Received on 18 December 2021; revised on 31 January 2022; accepted on 02 Februay 2022
Energy is a critical input for economic growth and sustainable development in both developed and developing countries. The world’s energy requirement for transportation is met from non-renewable fossil fuels. Two hundred years ago, the world experienced an energy revolution that launched the industrial age .The industrialized world’s thirst for energy has increased tremendously which caused a serious energy crisis. Biodiesel production from different vegetable oils is a promising alternative fuel for the diesel engine and as a major step towards creating an environment friendly transportation fuel that is relatively clean on combustion. This paper deals with the biofuel as an alternative fuel derived from biomass, namely ethanol and biodiesel. The paper discusses how the potential of biofuel offsets the use of fossil fuels and reduces the emission of green house gases, it also lays emphasis on the environmental impact of Jatropha curcas a plant species which is used for biofuel production and how biofuels improves air quality.
Biodiesel; Biofuel; Biomass; Energy source; Alternative fuel; Air quality; Jatropha curcas
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