Attempting to produce Egyptian Tallaga cheese with International Specifications

Mohamed Nour-Eldin Farid Hamad * and Mervat Omar Mohamed Hussein Naser El-Deen

Dairy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Damietta University, Egypt.
Research Article
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2021, 01(01), 008–023.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjst.2021.1.1.0020
Publication history: 
Received on 22 January 2021; revised on 26 February 2021; accepted on 01 March 2021

This study is designed to make adjustments to the traditional Tallaga cheese manufacturing method to reach cheese with international soft cheese specifications with good economic feasibility by changing the traditional method of salting, which depends on adding salt to milk directly to salting in a brine solution after manufacturing and after reaching the best rate of salting and best time in a brine solution, animal rennet, which is a source of pathogenic microbial contamination, is replaced with microbial rennet, and accordingly the best percentage of microbial rennet is reached, and the next stage comes, which is to reach the best proportion, then in the end, adjust the proportions of cow's milk to buffalo to reach the best percentage that gives good economic feasibility between the modified Tallaga sample with the traditional sample. With each of these parts, we determined the chemical composition (pH values, moisture%, Fat%, Protein%, Salt%), Microbiological analysis (Total bacteria count cfu X 106, lactic acid bacterial count cfu X 104, Total Mold and Yeast count cfu X 102 and coliform group) and Organoleptic evaluation (Points).

Tallaga cheese Chemical composition; TBC, LAB; Organoleptic properties
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