Analysis of post COVID-19 economic recovery on inflation fluctuation management in Indonesia

Sartika Apri Yanti *, Bachtiar Efendi, Rusiadi and Wahyu Indah Sari

Faculty of Social Sciences, Development Economics Study Program, Pembangunan Pancabudi University Medan, Indonesia.
Open Access Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2024, 10(02), 046–054.
Article DOI: 10.53022/oarjst.2024.10.2.0047
Publication history: 
Received on 09 February 2024; revised on 20 March 2024; accepted on 23 March 2024
This research aims to find out, explain and test the Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery Analysis of Inflation Fluctuation Management in Indonesia. This research uses quantitative methods with a descriptive and verification approach by collecting presentations through a process of analysis and hypothesis testing. The data used is secondary data, namely from Ceic Data, Trading Economics and Bank Indonesia for 2019-2023. The data analysis method in this research uses a difference test where this model is used to analyze pre-post or before and after research models. The research results show that there are significant differences in inflation and exchange rates during COVID-19 and post-COVID-19. Post-COVID-19 economic recovery policies such as fiscal stimulus and quantitative easing were able to reduce inflation and stabilize the exchange rate. Coordination is needed between the central, regional and monetary authorities to maintain macroeconomic stability after the pandemic. This research concludes that the post-COVID-19 economic recovery policy has succeeded in controlling inflation and the exchange rate in Indonesia, although regular evaluation and refinement of policies is required.


Inflation; Exchange Rates; COVID-19; Economic Recovery
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